26 Chapters
Object Oriented Programming Challenges
- Create a Basic JavaScript ObjectPreview
- Use Dot Notation to Access the Properties of an Object
- Create a Method on an Object
- Make Code More Reusable with the this Keyword
- Define a Constructor Function
- Use a Constructor to Create Objects
- Extend Constructors to Receive Arguments
- Verify an Object's Constructor with instanceof
- Understand Own Properties
- Use Prototype Properties to Reduce Duplicate Code
- Iterate Over All Properties
- Understand the Constructor Property
- Change the Prototype to a New Object
- Remember to Set the Constructor Property when Changing the Prototype
- Understand Where an Object’s Prototype Comes From
- Understand the Prototype Chain
- Use Inheritance So You Don't Repeat Yourself
- Inherit Behaviors from a Supertype
- Set the Child's Prototype to an Instance of the Parent
- Reset an Inherited Constructor Property
- Add Methods After Inheritance
- Override Inherited Methods
- Use a Mixin to Add Common Behavior Between Unrelated Objects
- Use Closure to Protect Properties Within an Object from Being Modified Externally
- Understand the Immediately Invoked Function Expression (IIFE)
- Use an IIFE to Create a Module